1、分析SQL: analyze table tablename compute statistics 等同于 analyze table tablename compute statistics for table for all indexes for all columns
for table的统计信息存在于视图:user_tables 、all_tables、dba_tables
for all indexes的统计信息存在于视图: user_indexes 、all_indexes、dba_indexes
for all columns的统计信息存在于试图:user_tab_columns、all_tab_columns、dba_tab_columns
analyze table tablename delete statistics 会删除所有的statistics
Use the ANALYZE statement to collect non-optimizer statistics, for example, to:
Collect or delete statistics about an index or index partition, table or table partition, index-organized table, cluster, or scalar object attribute. Validate the structure of an index or index partition, table or table partition, index-organized table, cluster, or object reference (REF). Identify migrated and chained rows of a table or cluster.
以analyze table table_name compute statistics;这条为例,生成的统计信息会存在于user_tables这个视图,查看一下select * from user_tables where table_name=’table_name’; 观察一下NUM_ROWS,BLOCKS,AVG_SPACE,AVG_ROW_LEN几列你就会明白,这就是变化。