实例说明:<?php echo filemtime("test.txt"); echo "<br />"; echo "Last modified: ".date("F d Y H:i:s.",f...
实例说明:<?php echo fileowner("test.txt"); ?>标签含义:fileowner:函数返回指定文件的用户 ID(所有者)。如果成功,该函数返回用户 ID。如果失败,则返回 FALSE。注释:该函数的结果会被缓存。请使用 clearst...
实例说明:<?php echo fileperms("test.txt"); ?>源代码运行结果如下:33206实例说明2:以八进制值显示权限:<?php echo substr(sprintf("%o",fileperms("...
实例说明:<?php echo filesize("test.txt"); ?>标签含义:filesize:函数返回指定文件的大小。如果成功,该函数返回文件大小的字节数。如果失败,则返回 FALSE。源代码运行结果如下:20...
实例说明:<?php echo filetype("test.txt"); ?>源代码运行结果如下:file实例说明2:<?php echo filetype("images"); ?>源代码运行结果如下:dir标签含义:fil...
实例说明:<?php $file = fopen("test.txt","r"); $file = fopen("/home/test/test.txt","r"); $file = fopen("...
实例说明:<?php $file = fopen("test.txt","r"); // Read first line fgets($file); // Send rest of the file to the output buffer e...
实例说明:<?php $list = array ( "Peter,Griffin,Oslo,Norway", "Glenn,Quagmire,Oslo,Norway", ); $file = fopen("cont...
实例说明:从文件中读取 10 个字节:<?php $file = fopen("test.txt","r"); $contents = fread($file,"10"); fclose($file); ?>实例说明2:...
实例说明:<?php $file = fopen("test.txt","r"); // read first line fgets($file); // move back to beginning of file fseek($file,0...